Mercenary vs. Missionary Donors

June 21, 2011

Filed under: Fundraising — Tags: — jonathanpoisner @ 12:28 pm

A mercenary donor is one who gives to you for some reason that isn’t primarily about agreement with  your mission.  They may give out of loyalty to a friend, out of a desire for good PR/marketing, or because you happen to be doing something at the tactical level that will have incidental impacts they want.

Organizations often seek mercenary donations and I’d be the last to tell you to avoid them at all costs.  But if I have a choice between a mercenary donor – whatever the type — giving me $1,000 and a mission-driven donor giving me $750, I’d take the $750 every time.

Why?  Because I’m evaluating the long-term expected value of the donor relationship and not the short-term monetary impact of the donation.

The long-term value of a mission-driven donor is higher for at least two key reasons.

For starters, getting a subsequent gift from them is more likely.  And getting a larger gift from them in the future is more likely.  You are looking for donors, not donations.   The $750 donor may very well turn into $5,000 over the next 4 years if the relationship is handled well. Whether the $1,000 mercenary donation ever turns into a repeat donation depends on factors out of your control.

Aside from this, mission-driven donors are also critical in growing the organization in another way.  They are far more likely to turn around and help your organization by reaching out to their friends and colleagues to help you grow your organization. Indeed, part of any well-designed major donor program and/or annual event is precisely the process of turning donors over time into fundraisers and friend-raisers.

So if mercenary donors are less valuable, should you ever seek them?  Heck yes.  But with a huge yellow caution sign – your programs, events, and strategies should focus on mission-driven donors.  And once you’ve created them, it’s okay to sweep in some mercenary donors as cream on the top.

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Asking your board for money

May 21, 2011

Filed under: Board Development,Fundraising — Tags: , — jonathanpoisner @ 5:10 pm

I recently heard Nick Fellers of For Impact present.

Great speaker if you ever have the opportunity.

One of the things he suggested that rang true for me is the following:

As Executive Director, you should do a 1 on 1 donor meeting with all board members (with or without your board chair joining you) at least once per year.

Treat them like the major donors that they are.

You’re doing this partly to excite them.

You’re doing this partly to train them on effective fundraising by modeling best practices.

And you’re doing this to ask the to take on more responsibility.

In this day and age, as board members lead complicated lives with competing priorities, you can’t expect a board member who perhaps thinks about your cause an hour a week to always self-motivate.

So go ask them!

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Hunting antelope v. hunting mice

May 19, 2011

Filed under: Fundraising — Tags: — jonathanpoisner @ 8:01 am

I heard this from Nick Fellers of For Impact.  I’m paraphrasing, not quoting.

If a lion hunts a mice, it can catch it.  But it probably burns more calories catching it than the mice will provide.

If a lion hunts an antelope and catches it, it can feed the lion for days.

In the fundraising context, this means don’t go chasing lots of smaller donations if your goal is to transform your organization.  Yes, a larger organization with lots of staff can and should build a broader base.  But especially if you’re a small organization in the first few years, you should be almost exclusively hunting antelopes, not mice.

I couldn’t agree more.

But I’d add one thing.  There are also some magic mice out there.  Magic mice are actually antelope hunters themselves, and if you can catch the mice, the mice will hunt antelopes for you.

Don’t focus just on those who can write you the big check.  Focus also on those people who have access to those who can write you the big check and go sell them on your organization and turn them into champions for you.  But be clear: if the strategy is to hunt magic mice and you think you have one, don’t stop at just getting a donation, or else the strategy isn’t being followed.

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How to Transform your Organization

May 18, 2011

Filed under: Fundraising — Tags: — jonathanpoisner @ 11:44 am

The number one way to transform your organization financially is to engage people one on one and to invite them to champion your organization.

Something happens in a one-on-one conversation that doesn’t happen at events and certainly not via mail or phone.

What happens isn’t just that you as an individual form a personal relationship with the giver, although that certainly helps.

It’s that the giver is asked to take personal responsibility and not collective responsibility.

It’s not about how all these people in the room can help.  It’s about how you can help.

I recall studies done in the 1970s and 1980s that focused on personal versus collective responsibility in a different context.  The scientists had people fake epileptic seizures in public places to see who would help. The interesting thing is you were more likely to get help if you had the seizure when one person was there to observe than you were if several people observed.

This is contrary to what most people would predict.  But it rings true upon further reflection.  When something happens and other people are around, you tend to look around to see how they’re responding.  If everyone else is just looking around, you may think: I guess it’s not my problem.  But if there’s nobody to look at, you know it’s about you, and you alone.

*When you’re asked to give and the ask is clearly about you, that’s when people tend to step up and make larger donations.

(Incidentally, the scientists advise that to avoid this trap if you’re having some health crisis in public and there’s several people there, single out one in any way you can to ask them as an individual for help).

So stop putting your time into the next great event and banking on social media revolutionizing your organization.  If you want to grow, and grow quickly — get out and meet with more people and invite them to take responsibility.

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Short v. Long-term Development Plans

May 15, 2011

Filed under: Fundraising,Strategic Planning — Tags: — jonathanpoisner @ 3:20 pm

An organization has done a LOT of fundraising, but has never had a real development plan, either short or long-term.

One set of consultants advised them to create a three-year development plan prior to doing a one-year plan. How do you know what you want to accomplish in year one unless you know the long-term plan?

But my response is: How do you know what your long-term real capacity is until you do a one-year plan, stick with it, and evaluate it. So I’m pushing them to do a one-year plan and write a 3 year plan in about a year.

What do you think?

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Never ask for a donation

April 21, 2011

Filed under: Fundraising — Tags: — jonathanpoisner @ 3:34 pm

Sometimes it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking about fundraising as an ask.

Indeed, that’s the language I often use when I’m creating a fundraising plan or counseling somebody — “you have to get out and make more asks.”

Yet, at a fundamental level, fundraisers for nonprofit organizations aren’t asking.  They’re inviting.

They’re inviting people to participate in an opportunity.

What the opportunity is varies wildly by organization.  It could be as broad as “help us save the planet” to as narrow as “help us build a house for a family.”

The donor isn’t making a gift — the word gift implies a transfer of something of value with zero obligation on the part of the receiver.  But in the nonprofit organization context, the receiver has an obligation — to fulfill the mission of the nonprofit organization.

There’s an exchange going on.

And what a great exchange it is for the donor.   In exchange for your money, you get to help make a real difference in the world and feel great doing it.

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