Tips for fundraising letters

July 31, 2013

Filed under: Communications,Fundraising — jonathanpoisner @ 2:15 pm

Clients regularly ask me what goes into a good fundraising letter sent to previous donors.

Here are some tips, in no particular order:

  • Spend time thinking about the opening sentence or two.  It should be engaging, interesting, and provocative.  Don’t save your most engaging material for a third of the way into the letter.  Open with your strongest stuff.
  • Make the ask.  At least once per page in a multi-page letter.  Letters that provide an update and then just softly suggest donations are almost never effective.
  • Make the ask specific.  Don’t ask for “generous support” or other similar wishy-washy terms.   If you can, segment your list to make the ask at an appropriate level for different levels of past giving.  If not, you can ask for a several specific levels (e.g. “give $35, $50, $100, or whatever you can afford.”).
  • Personalize it.  Don’t send it to “Dear Friend.”  Send it to “Dear Susan.”
  • Thank them.  If the thank you can be personalized, all the better.  For example, some organizations as part of a mail merge can personalize based on how much they last donated (e.g. “Thank you for your most recent gift of $50” – with $50 being a field inserted from the mail merge unique to that donor).
  • Write it from a person, not the organization.  It should be first-person singular from the author, not “we” from the organization.
  • Create urgency by noting some monetary need of your organization with a deadline.  Create an artificial deadline if necessary.  Make it clear donations in the next few weeks are critical.
  • Tell a story with visually arresting language.  But the story shouldn’t be over – the ending should depend on donors stepping forward to complete the story.   The donors should be the hero(s) of the story, not the nonprofit.
  • Focus on the mission-impact you’ll be making on the world with more resources, not the process or internal organizational benefits.
  • Close with a strong repeat of the ask.
  • If the author has time to actually sign each individual letter instead of printing one, then it’s worth doing so.  I found this to be a painless activity to do while watching a movie or tv show at home and am pretty sure donors appreciated when they could tell an individual signed it, not just the computer.  This also gave me a chance o write 1-2 sentence personal notes on any letters where I knew the person receiving it.
  • Use a PS that once again repeats the specific ask and the urgency/deadline.
  • If the volunteers are available, experiment with having half your letters hand addressed by volunteers and sent first class.  See if the extra dollars generated by higher returns justifies the extra postage and volunteer time.   If so, make this part of your standard practice.

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Tracking time

May 9, 2012

Filed under: Fundraising — Tags: , — jonathanpoisner @ 10:16 am

To manage your time, you need to know where it goes. The only way to know where you spend your time is to log it. Your memory tells you that you spend time where you think you should spend your time, but it’s wrong. — Peter Drucker.

Drucker’s wisdom strikes me often when I start asking clients and potential clients about their fundraising strategies. Too often, they their time fundraising, but don’t break it down by fundraising strategy. So they have no idea really which fundraising strategy is performing well, since they’re not taking staff time into account when calculating the net profit from any particular strategy. Of course, you can take this too far, but you can reasonably track 4-5 different major fundraising strategies with decent time sheets without putting excessive burden on staff.

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Don’t make these mistakes in selecting a donor database

March 15, 2012

Filed under: Fundraising — Tags: , — jonathanpoisner @ 11:00 am

I recently came across a great summary from TechSoup on mistakes organizations make in selecting a donor database.

I can personally attest to making a couple of them myself.

In my experience, most small-to-medium sized nonprofits fail to invest sufficient time and money into utilizing a good donor database, and thinking through the integration of that data with other data the organization uses (email advocacy for example).  (Of course, many databases integrate these two functions from the start).

Of the two (time or money), I actually think time is the biggest failure for organizations.  They ask the tech people to figure it out, without recognizing the tech people haven’t a clue what your real needs are unless your fundraising and program staff invest real time into thinking through your real needs.

When we finally did the process right in my last job, it was by investing a lot of time into creating a document outlining in excruciating detail our needs and then vigorously checking potential vendors for how they could meet them.

Here are some further thoughts I previously wrote about investing in information management systems.

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Why Videos Go Viral

Filed under: Fundraising,Online Communications — Tags: , , — jonathanpoisner @ 10:53 am

I recently came across this fascinating short video about why some videos go viral.

The bottom lines: tastemakers, communities of participation, and unexpectedness.

It’s worth a watch.

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Don’t let your elevator speech fall flat

January 25, 2012

Filed under: Fundraising — Tags: , — jonathanpoisner @ 4:44 pm

This morning I led a conference call teaching organizations about how to create an effective elevator pitch.

It was an interesting exercise, since I’d danced around having an elevator speech both for my business and past organizational work, but I’d never formally been trained on having one.

So I read a lot on the web and some of the advice I agreed with, while other advice seemed off-base.

Nonetheless, I forged ahead and reached my own conclusions.

Here’s my top 9 things to keep in mind about elevator pitches.

1. Don’t discount their importance

Sure, you’re unlikely to get in an elevator and be asked what you do.  But there are countless other social settings, from cocktail parties to formal networking opportunities, where you’ll have 30-60 seconds to make an impression while talking to 1-3 people.  These first impressions very much matter — if people start tuning you out, getting them to tune you in again is hard.

2. Avoid jargon

In the  words of a mentor (Joel Bradshaw), start where they are, not where you are.  You use jargon inside your organizations/coalitions because it’s really efficient to do so.  But when talking to outsiders, jargon makes the eyes glaze over at best.

3. Cover the what and the why, then engage.

You need to give people a teaser about what you do.  And you need to give them an emotional hook — the why — so they will recognize that you share their values.  Lastly, you need to close with an engagement question, such as: Would you like to hear more?

4. But put the why first.

This is probably really the number one challenge most people have.  Our rational brains want to say: This is what I do, and here’s why.  But lots of evidence suggests beginning with the why is far more compelling.

People will identify with and want to support you for the why.  The “what” involves important details, but it’s not what will drive people to engage.

For a great speech on the rationale for putting “why before what,” check out this Ted talk.

5. Make it conversational

Remember, this is for 1-3 people in a small group setting — it’s not for a big speech.  And it’s certainly not for the written form.

Speak like you’d speak in the real world — in short sentences, using contractions, simple words, ignoring punctuation rules.

6. Don’t try to be comprehensive

For most organizations, trying to summarize what you do in 30-60 seconds is impossible, so don’t try.  Remember, your goal here is to engage somebody to want to learn more.  If you try to summarize succinctly, you’re most likely to have to speak about your organization at such a high level of generality that you’ll only succeed in generating boredom.

Pick the 1-2 things that are most interesting about your organization and make them the focal point of your elevator pitch.

7. Brainstorm with a group to create it, but then let 1 person draft it

If your organization can take the time, getting 3-4 people to really focus on the “why” you do what you do for awhile, and see how that flows into a “what” answer.

But ultimately, somebody needs to go through the results of the brainstorm and create a draft.  Or a couple alternative drafts.

8. Test it out on the real world

Before getting your whole organization to start using it, test out the draft on a handful of friends who’re “outside” your organization/movement.  This could be family, friends, or anybody who you think will give you honest feedback.

Do they understand it?   Did they want to learn more?  What questions does it make them want to ask?

9. Once you finalize it, get people to practice it

You’re looking for the fine line between doing it well and not coming across as rehearsed.  The latter could be a blog entry entirely of its own.  Bottom line: let people get used to doing it in pairs through role playing, or set them up for situations where they’re testing it out on a stranger.

Find opportunities to use it.  Incorporate the language into other communication vehicles.  Have 1 person on staff role play it every staff meeting for several months until everyone’s internalized it.

Of course, the best pitch is in the eye of the beholder

Nobody’s ever going to be perfectly satisfied with their pitch because let’s face it, what we’re doing is so much bigger than can be explained in 30-60 seconds.   Not everyone in your organization will love it.  But it’s generally a useful exercise to create one, particularly if you emphasize the “why.”

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How do corporations differ from individuals

December 21, 2011

Filed under: Fundraising — Tags: — jonathanpoisner @ 3:21 pm

No, this isn’t a blog about Citizens United and the inanity of the Supreme Court giving corporations the right to make unlimited contributions in elections.

As I work with clients on fundraising, many of them manage corporate giving and major donor giving as very independent efforts, while others treat them as entirely the same.

I’d advocate for a middle ground recognizing the differences in the ways corporations give, and the differences between different types of corporations.

If you’re thinking about how corporations differ from individuals when you’re soliciting a $250+ gift, here’s some of my rules of thumb.

Very Small Companies

Very small corporations are not different than individuals. You should be speaking with the owner and their motivations for giving and the methods of solicitation should be no different than an individual donor.

Most Small/Medium Sized Businesses

Most small and medium businesses have no formal process for making contributions.

They tend to be on an ad hoc basis with the owner and/or manager having some authority.

Most donations are done either because the owner/manager has a strong connection to the charity or because the giving is done in a way that generates marketing. You should be clear going into an ask which motivation you’re focused on so the pitch can be appropriate.

While managers may have some authority, you are almost always better off talking with the owner if you can solicit them directly.

Large Corporations

Large corporations tend to have formal processes for making contributions.

These processes often have significant lead times prior to making a decision

Managers/staff are the decision-makers, not owners.

Different managers may have separate budgets for giving. A public affairs manager may have one budget and a marketing manager may have a separate pot of funds.

People other than those directly with the authority to make donations are generally not all that helpful as a route to generating a donation, unless they are higher in the corporate hierarchy than the person making the decision.

While these corporations tend to have policies around donations, personal relationships still are king – if you have a personal relationship with the person making the decision, you are far more likely to secure a donation.

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Raising money through strategic planning

November 11, 2011

Filed under: Fundraising,Strategic Planning — Tags: , — jonathanpoisner @ 11:12 am

Strategic planning can require significant resources — both time and money.

Fortunately, going through the process can also be a means of raising additional resources.

In my mind, there are three key tactics you should think about using to raise money from your strategic planning process.

The most obvious, and the one most people think about, is using the finished plan to sell donors on funding whatever is “new” in the plan.   Usually this involves creating a short 1-2 page summary of the plan and using it with selected major donors and foundations.   If, for example, the plan calls for hiring a full-time communications director and upgrading a website, those items could be pulled into a mini-budget and presented to funders as a reason to step up their level of giving.

But there are two other tactical steps organizations should also consider to turn a planning process into a revenue generator.

For starters, you should look for funders who will underwrite the planning process itself.   Many foundations fund capacity building either in general or for those organizations with which they have a long-term funding relationship.   Occasionally, an individual major donor (perhaps a board member) who values planning will step up with an extra donation to cover a significant portion of the planning process costs.  Start thinking about this the year prior to a planning process, so you have ample time to make the case to funders.

Second, you should think about using the process to cultivate your relationship with your supporters.  Many strategic planning processes involve some sort of interview process for stakeholders and you should think consciously about whether some major donors should be added into the process as a means of cultivating their support for the organization.   This may slightly increease the cost of your process (more interviews), but with a big potential pay-off afterwards.

Cultivation shouldn’t stop with major donors.  If your organization has a membership or base constituency that it can reach via email, do an online member survey.  Ask some questions to ascertain what your supporters want you to prioritize, while lao learning things about them that could be useful for future fundraising.   Beyond what you learn, just the process of asking for their input will help cement their support for your organization’s work.

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On the perils of chasing money

October 28, 2011

Filed under: Fundraising — Tags: — jonathanpoisner @ 3:43 pm

I recently had a conversation with an organizational Executive Director who was having their group round up its grassroots supporters to generate online votes to have the group selected to win a small grant.  (Small means that in the organization’s context, it would at most be 1% of the organization’s budget if they received it).

What was odd to me is that the grant they were seeking was to do work that wasn’t part of their strategic plan.  Indeed, it wasn’t even something that fit within the group’s core niche/role, so it’s not that it wasn’t part of the plan because it was low priority — it was off the map entirely.

When I asked the ED why they were nonetheless pursuing it, their response was that the dollars flowing in would be twice what it would actually cost to implement and it would get the group on the radar screen of a foundation.

I pondered this for a few minutes and my reaction was — that’s not right.

Chasing money off-plan fails to account for:

  • Staff time necessary to first chase the money, then implement the small project, then possibly to report back on it.
  • The opportunity cost — eg. what the staffers involved in drumming up “votes” for the proposal could have raised from spending that time meeting with individual donors.
  • The dilution of the organizational brand, as grassroots supporters become confused about what the organization is all about.  The same is perhaps doubly true with foundations — being on a foundation’s radar screen, but then perhaps being misidentified as something you’re not strikes me as a negative, not a positive.

Bottom line:  chasing money can be hazardous to organizational health.

Look for more on this in a future edition of my article: Why Organizations Go Off Course.

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Read this. Now.

July 27, 2011

Filed under: Fundraising — jonathanpoisner @ 10:19 am

Came across the attached and thought it was so good that I’m encouraging anyone I know who cares about social change, particularly fundraising for social change, to read it.  Now.

Lisa Simpson for Nonprofits: What Science Can Teach You About Fundraising, Marketing, and Making Social Change, a 24 page ebook by Network for Good and Sea Change Strategies.

Would love to hear your thoughts on it.

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When do you hire a Development Director?

July 26, 2011

Filed under: Fundraising,Human Resources — Tags: — jonathanpoisner @ 10:43 am

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the transition of organization from all-volunteer, to their first Executive Director, to the build out of additional staff.

One of the recurring questions that comes up — when do you add a Development Director to the staff?

I know of several organizations that hired a Development Director as the first or second hire after the Executive Director, and the results have been mixed.

So here are some of the questions I’d ask myself before hiring a first Development Director:

Do I have a clear fundraising plan so they can hit the ground running?  If not, they could wind up spinning their wheels at the beginning or worse, going off in pursuit of the wrong strategies.

Do I already have more true organizational prospects to solicit than I have time to solicit?  If the biggest barrier you have to major donor fundraising is lack of prospects, how does adding a Development Director help?

If I expect the development director to manage low dollar fundraising, have I made a realistic assessment of the time that will take and the net revenue it will generate, taking their staff costs into account in determining net revenue.  Low dollar programs are very valuable over the long-run, but often cost money in the short run to develop them, particularly when staff time is included in the evaluation.

If they will be taking over management of a major fundraising event or series of events that I have previously managed, how much time will that free up for me to raise money through other methods?   What will those methods be?    And am I taking into account the time I will need to supervise the Development Director?

Can I find somebody who’s a true self-starter and who starts out with relationships they can tap into for fundraising, so that they’re bringing new donors to the table with less time necessary for my management of them?

If they do start bringing in more donations, do I have the administrative systems and staffing in place to handle a larger flow of donations (eg. banking, databasing, thank you’s, cultivation, etc.).  Or will the development director have to manage all of that?  Have I taken that into account when guesstimating how much money they will be able to raise?

Have I set aside in savings up to 3 months of their salary so that they can ramp up their work methodically for the long-run, rather than forcing them to cut corners up-front trying to raise money at all costs.  I’ve seen Development Directors start who’ve come in with a burst of frantic energy tapping a small number of their own relationships with some success, but having done nothing to lay the groundwork for future fundraising, so it sputters to a halt.

From the above, one would think I’m negative on hiring Development Directors.  To the contrary, for a thriving organization, you will at some point reach the stage where the Executive Director must have somebody else whose full-time job is thinking about and executing development plans.

But adding that staff prematurely is as likely to set you back organizationally as move you forward.  So think it through!

What do you think?  Are there additional considerations that I haven’t mentioned?

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